While it’s hard to argue with the happy-path ideas presented here, I’m not sure I’d be willing to accept the trade offs with regards to the long term consequences.
If anything, 2020 proved how toxic big tech is for our society – free speech was violated by either being outright censored or punished (low rank in algos).
It’s unacceptable to have a single entity like Facebook control what we can talk about online. As the saying goes – Power corrupts – absolute power corrupts absolutely; and even if we pretend all is well intentioned – it can still backfire. As is the case with communism, the nuance is that a single centralised actor cannot out-plan the collective hivemind.
It’s a bit ironic for you to also quote the values of the country you’re in while your platform banned the standing President. Considering that half the country was on his side, how could you consider yourself (Facebook) as anything but a traitor to America and its values?
To make matters worse – in the same year we had the CEO of this clown fest ride with an American flag on July 4th.
Hell, I’m not even American – I’m European and without any skin in this game I can see clear as day how totally ridiculous it is.
Imagine having such a single centralised entity control the whole global payments infrastructure.
I find it really unfortunate that we have bright people who are brainwashed enough to work for such a world vision. The only promising outcome is that these sort of initiatives further ignite the decentralized movements that we have, like Bitcoin and others.