Apache Kafka’s Distributed System Firefighter — The Controller Broker

Keeping chaos at bay in the distributed world, one cluster at a time

Stanislav Kozlovski
12 min readOct 30, 2018
What a Kafka Controller’s job feels like


Kafka is an ever-evolving distributed streaming platform. It is the current go-to solution for building maintainable, extendable and scalable data pipelines. If you are not too familiar with it, make sure to first check out my other article — A Thorough Introduction To Apache Kafka.

Continuing from that article, I thought it would be beneficial if we took a bit more time to dive into some of the internal workings of Kafka itself.

Today I want to introduce you to the notion of a controller — the workhorse node of a Kafka cluster — the one who keeps the distributed cluster healthy and functioning.

Controller Broker

A distributed system must be coordinated. If some event happens, the nodes in the system must react in an organized way. In the end, somebody needs to decide on how the cluster reacts and instruct the brokers to do something.

That somebody is called a Controller. A controller is not too complex — it is a normal broker that simply has additional responsibility. That means it still leads partitions, has writes/reads going…



Stanislav Kozlovski

A generally curious individual — software engineer, mediterranean dweller, regular gym-goer and coffee lover